Check your version of wine
You will need wine version .9.52, .9.52 has made running Photoshop 7 a snap and the little glitches with the pallets are gone. You can check your version by running this in the terminal:
wine --version
If you want to uninstall the currently installed version of wine, use synaptic to remove it. Then double click the wine deb you downloaded to install that version. Once your version of wine is installed, run the configuration from the terminal:
Installing Photoshop
In order to install Photoshop 7 or lower, load the CD and right click on the setup.exe program and run with wine. Or use the terminal:
wine /media/cdrom0/Photoshop/Setup.exe
If a launcher is not made and you have to make one yourself, right click where you want the launcher, select "create launcher"
- Type in a descriptive name (e.g.Photoshop)
- Type in the command (e.g. wine "c:\program files\adobe\Photoshop 7.0\Photoshop.exe")
- Add a comment if desired (e.g. Edit photos)
- Click on the button that edits the icon. choose a generic icon or navigate to one you have saved already.
Using the windows path to run the program works best rather than using the linux path to the program. Using the linux path in the past has killed the ability to "Save for web" in Photoshop. So stick with the windows path for now.
And that's it, you should be able to run Photoshop 7 or lower.