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Koleksi Madah Mutiara Kata
CoolMivec Studio Design

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Welcome to my site.. I am a web designer from Malaysia. Drawing and designing is my passion. I am well versed not only in the usage of Photoshop and Illustrator but also in CSS/XHTML and PHP as well. Windows is my platform of choice. I'm taking freelance jobs as a part-timer designer.


I'm welcomes any suggestions and loves to discuss and talk about web design or just about designing and comics. I'm always welcomes suggestions and new ideas or even comments about the site. Contact me if you need web web design/development help. Before that, you can check out my online portfolio and my previous work too.

IPAD 2..

Like the original, iPad 2 is the same slippery little devil as iPad 1, except now it's 10% lighter, which makes it even more slippery – the original's heft, even by a few ounces, was enough to keep it in your hands. iPad 2 is like a giant thin slice of soap and screams for a rubberized rear.


While the aluminum-clad MacBook Pros with their black keyboards are definitely sleek, the all-white MacBook seems somewhat friendlier. The bottom panel, held in place by 8 screws, is coated in a soft light gray rubber, which keeps it from slipping around on a desk, and feels comfortable on your lap....


The BlackBerry Bold smartphone comes with the most vivid and bold display ever introduced on a BlackBerry smartphone. Its half-VGA (480x320 resolution) color LCD is fused to the undersurface of the lens, making images leap out with stunning definition and clarity....

Seorang pemandu yang berbosskan org putih dari Amerika sedang membawa bossnye.. tiba-tiba kereta dihadapannya berhenti mengejut menyebabkan dia telah menyodok kereta tersebut. Pemandu tersebut pun meminta maaf dari boss nya....:

Pemandu: Sorry Sir, I brake brake, do not eat. After I check the wheel no flower again. (maaf Tuan, saya brek-brek, tak makan, selepas saya cek tayarnya tak ada bunganya lagi)

Orang putih tu pun mahu keluar dan ikut sama marahkan pemandu kereta dihadapan. Tapi pemandu tersebut menghalangnya... Kata pemandu tersebut:

Pemandu: Don't enter mix, Sir! The bring that car if not wrong I, is the children fruit from manager moneys, he stupid doesn't play! Let he taste. (Jangan masuk campur, Tuan! Yang bawa kereta itu kalo tak salah saya, anak buah dari pengurus kewangan, dia memang bodoh bukan main... Biar dia rasa)

Besoknya si pemandu tak masuk kerja, lusanya, bila dia masuk kerja,si boss orang putihnya bertanya:

Boss : Why didn't you come to work?

Pemandu : I am sorry boss, my body is not delicious, my body taste like enter the wind. (maaf boss, badan saya tidak sedap, badan saya rasanya macam masuk angin)

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